Main Conference (September 5th, 2023)

Ease into productivity with serverless through Knative

Serverless allows you to run faster and utilise resources better. Using Knative, a CNCF incubating project out of Google, serverless can come to your cluster too. Knative enables simplified deployments for services, scaling inactive services to zero and pluggable functionality for things like certificates and scaling. Learn how it will increase your productivity and allow you to focus on the more important things.


Cloud Native Summit - Caleb Woodbine

Caleb Woodbine

Platform Engineer - GNS Science

Caleb is a software developer based in Wellington, with expertise in cloud native based infrastructure, contributing to Open Source and web application development.

With upstream contributions to projects like Kubernetes, Knative, CNCF conformance infrastructure and many others, Caleb is motivated by global community engagement.

He also spends way too much time deep in on container technologies and writing Go.

Thank you to our sponsors

Our sponsors play a key role in supporting the conference and our community.

DIAMOND & CNS-2023 Co-Host

  • Palo Alto Networks - Cloud Native New Zealand


  • Sysdig - Cloud Native Summit
  • MongoDB - Cloud Native Summit
  • Red Hat - Cloud Native Summit
  • Portworx - Cloud Native Summit
  • Control Plane - Cloud Native Summit

Main Diversity Supporter

  • Deloitte - Cloud Native Summit

Diversity Supporter

  • CNCF- Cloud Native Summit

In-kind Supporter

  • Spark NZ - Cloud Native Summit
  • Section6 - Cloud Native Summit
  • Tetrate - Cloud Native Summit

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  • - Cloud Native Summit
Cloud Native Summit