Pre-Conference (September 4th, 2023) - 9:00am to 12:00pm

Up & Running with Runtime Security

Up & Running with Runtime Security is a hands-on workshop for practitioners to skill up on detecting threats at runtime, the last line of defense.

We'll get you up to speed on the role of runtime security, how it applies to Kubernetes, and how to use Falco to protect your applications.

Falco is an open source project for runtime threat detection across Kubernetes, containers, hosts, and the cloud. Directly observing workloads. it’s like a security camera for your applications, detecting and reporting unexpected behavior.

What you need: a WiFi Internet enabled laptop with a modern web browser and willingness to participate.

What we provide: a runtime security and Falco expert, WiFi Internet, access to your own lab environment.

3 hour workshop

- Welcome
- Cloud Native & Runtime Security Concepts
- Falco Architecture & Installation
- Understanding Falco Rules
- Falco Plugins & Ecosystem


Cloud Native Summit - Mike Coleman

Mike Coleman

Developer advocate at Sysdig

Mike works as a developer advocate at Sysdig focused on the Falco open-source project. In this role, he works to ensure the community has the right technical resources to be successful with the project. Prior to joining Sysdig, he held similar roles at Google, Docker, AWS, and VMware.

In his spare time, he enjoys running, gaming, and general outdoorsy stuff.

Thank you to our sponsors

Our sponsors play a key role in supporting the conference and our community.

DIAMOND & CNS-2023 Co-Host

  • Palo Alto Networks - Cloud Native New Zealand


  • Sysdig - Cloud Native Summit
  • MongoDB - Cloud Native Summit
  • Red Hat - Cloud Native Summit
  • Portworx - Cloud Native Summit
  • Control Plane - Cloud Native Summit

Main Diversity Supporter

  • Deloitte - Cloud Native Summit

Diversity Supporter

  • CNCF- Cloud Native Summit

In-kind Supporter

  • Spark NZ - Cloud Native Summit
  • Section6 - Cloud Native Summit
  • Tetrate - Cloud Native Summit

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  • - Cloud Native Summit
Cloud Native Summit